Thursday, February 1, 2007

Hi friends
Orkut is one of the most rapidly developing site most of us encounter everyday . Now google have also added a new feature called video favorites , with the help of which you can set your favorite Google or you tube videos and link them to your friends . Unfortunately this will apply only to Google or you tube videos .

Post from Google official blog
We've all been obsessed lately with watching videos on the web. And when we come across something that strikes our fancy, we can't wait to share it with our friends. That got us thinking: rather than sending multiple emails and IMs to share the video URL, wouldn't it be nice to have a feature for sharing videos on orkut?

From now on, when you see that crazy video you feel is a must see for all your friends, now you can create your own video playlist on orkut to share with anyone who visits your profile. Just copy the video URL from your favorite YouTube or Google Video hosted videos, and your friends can enjoy watching your top videos through orkut. And because we know your friends will love your videos as much as you do, we've added an "Add to my favorites" button that lets you easily make your friend's favorite videos appear on your list.

Now there is another feature down the line which most of will love but right now it is available only to brazil
With orkut's new SMS feature, you can scrap your friends, look up their contact information and receive scrap notifications. Now you can send scraps from the bus, bar or bathroom, and your friends can get notified of those scraps when on bicycle, beach or bed. Along with the standard orkut features, we've included a few hidden goodies for the adventurous to find.
Orkut is already so much addictive and they are ready to make it more . God bless us all from this orkut dope .

P.S-- i just realized that orkut have also improved on its time/dating system . Till now scarp date or time was not based upon user local time zone but now it is . Thankyou orkut !!


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