Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hey friends , there is wonderful debate going on on on "Is egg a vegeterian food? " . Check out some of the wonderful replies-:

  • Egg is a non veg, just like milk. Milk is basically broken down cells from the body of a animal. But in India we are blissfully ignorant of this fact !!
  • POULTRY eggs produced these days are LIFELESS. The HEN that hatches are different. These eggs can NEVER produce chick on incumbation. You can try yourself. So we can consider them as VEGETARIAN.The DESI egg which is produced from a DESI Murgi can produce chick on incumbation.
  • The definition of veg and non-veg needs clarification: vegans, who eat no animal products, found that they have difficulty digesting food due to the lack of Vitamin B12, which is only found in animal foods. So biologically, we are non-vegetarians.
    Milk was chosen as a vegetarian food since it has vit B12 and presumably does not hurt the animal. However, the Mas'ai tribe in Africa believe that milking a cow is actually stealing the calf's food. They prefer to take blood from a neck vein from bulls. This hurts the bulls less than the loss of milk hurts the calf.
    Following the same definition, some hens lay an egg everyday. These are not fertilised, in fact the hen does not even incubate them. There are as good as excrement to the hen and hurts the hen a lot less than milk or blood hurts cattle. If unfertilised eggs are not eaten, they will rot. So it seems that the most vegetarian animal food is an unfertilised egg!
  • Egg is not vegetarian just because it not made of vegetables. it is made of body cells of another creature. As Leo says, even milk is not vegetable, it is a blood product. In India divisions of vegetarian or non-vegetarian is falsely termed as meat eating or non-meat eating - that too base don religious beliefs. Pure vegetarians do not take egg or milk, both come out of a situation were an animal is deprived off its natural rights to life or living. we milk a cow by restricting its naturalness, and also deprive its cub of its right - drinking of its mothers milk
  • egans/ vegetarinism has its root from Veg (which means plants giving rise to vegetables & fit for human consumption) Hence Brinjals are also called egg plants.

    According to this root word egg originates from birds, animals (egg as in female sex cell) hence egg would not be veg/ vegan food.
    If this question is for religious reasons - one may note few brahmins( East India) consume fish, few Buddhists around south-east Asia include animal based diet in their intake, Early Maldivians who were Buddhists had fish has their staple diet (as it was the only plentiful food avbl in the islands). and mythology has that Sage Agathiya once had a feast of tender lamb (a demon in form of lamb - who was supposed to tear open the sage's tummy and exit thereby killing him) and the sage digested the demon before he could perform the act of evil. So in accordance to the situation one can consume any proper food as long it is consumable (Islam classifies this as Halaal food)

1 Comment:

  1. The Media Analyst said...

    I have been trying to explain to people why I don't eat eggs and they keep saying its vegetarian. Now I have a site to refer them to!!

    Keep it up

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